Monday, August 8, 2011

it starts here...

actually i cant really remember when was the first time Hadry open his mouth talking bout 'kahwin' ni... so call very sensitive word... hahha... or maybe, i yg start tanya dulu? hahha...

as far as i can remember...

when we both celebrating our 28th birthday and realised that we r almost 30th... perghhh... how fast time flies! dah nak masuk 3 series dah! from there we start thinking of moving to the other 'world of life' - marriage...

its been so hard for Hadry to tell bout this to his parents since he never talk about personal and feeling or whatever related to their parents. then i said... maybe u can start by telling ur sibbling (im quite close with his younger sister, Haidar). Maybe she can help - tolong bagi hint...

he agreed n this process develop slowly... + supporting by frens around us.. thanx guyz!

early this year, we all start discuss in detail what to do, how to start and the best part... WHEN would the 'big day' be!

of coz n i believe... every couple will come to the peak of disagreement matters where we start to quarrel! n girls... i know, u start to cry kan?... normal la... AND...the discussion came to an end where we finally fix the date of our big day :

21st Januari 2012



Nice ha? date ni jatu pada hari sabtu so, most probably our solemnisation will be on friday >>>> 20112

but in Islam and in Malay tradision, there got other process before we reach the Nikah date... which is Merisik and Meminang...

so... wait for our preparation for Merisik k... soon...

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