Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Engagement Day : The Flow...

After done with my make up... whatelse? time for clicks... clicks....

with Detol & Ros...

with my niece, Siti...

After heard the sound of many cars coming toward my house.... dub..dab...dub...dab... Again! i feel sooooooooooo nervous! feel like my stomach full of butterfly... hahha... This is the feelig that cant be explain.. once in a life time... OMG! this is just the beginning, an engagement. not yet the event of the solemnisation... i wish i can run to the toilet now! but not with my beautiful veil... huhu... about 5-6 cars comming... Suddenly my phone rang! Hadry was on the line... inform that he had arrived... huh, i know lah! feel like wanna jump from te corridor and run... hahaha...

We just wait upstairs until the whole family ready to start the event. My Pak Ngah is the representative on behalf of my family to introduce my family and me. He also discuss on hantaran and the ring. After Bacaan Doa by En. Sani (my x-neighbour and also 'org kuat masjid'), pak Lang ask my dayang2 to bring all the 7 hantaran down stairs.

and now................. its my turn to go downstairs to meet all the family members. Omg! there are so many people! all eyes are focus on me. sooooo many camera flashes~ feel like a super star! ahakkksss.... i just stay on the dias... control ayu!

The climax part is wearing the ring by my mother in law 'to be'... hahha....

I saw the ring that i bought together with Hadry like in my previous post! buttttttttttttttttt......

suddenly, his mother ask me for another hand... what a surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got 2 rings in 1 event? the ring that we bought together become the ring for Merisik and the other ring is mostly like a present from his parents to me for the ring of Meminang.... wow! sooo... blink2! i like!

Thank you Hadry and family!

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