Wednesday, September 7, 2011

engagement dress...

a very last minute preparation...

sometime in Bandung...

actually we bought the tickets to Bandung last year during air asia offer... very cheap so we, the whole family decided to go there for holiday... but when the time come (this year)... its very near to my engagement day... so, the mission change from relaxing vacation to the very important mission! hahha...

2nd day in Bandung, we shopped at Pasar Baru , where all wedding stuffs are selling here... it is 8 storeys building which selling so many goodies and we are focusing at level 2 where they are a lot of shops selling 'kain ela' and also LACE (soooo famous in bandung)..

here in bandung, u will be treat like a VIP all the time coz after u bought the 'kain', u can send to the owner of the shop for fitting/ tailored... the specialty of tailoring here is u can get ur beautiful dress and wear it straight away the next day after u sent it to the tailor! soooo fast n furious! hahah...

The tailor himself will come to ur hotel for fitting and send it to ur hotel when he done with ur dress... oh, feel sooooooo VIP! why malaysia cant do such a service? coz people dont mind to pay more for that... after i convert the price of the tailoring, its actually almost RM300 so its a boutique price here in malaysia. i dont mind to pay more in Bandung coz the price of the kain/lace is very cheap!

here i introduce u, Mr Danny... the tailor...

see, how details he needs to measure my body so he wont get it wrong coz he knows that he dont have much time to alter the dress if he did a mistake coz we are going to Jakarta the next 2 days.All the best!

Taaa daaaaaaaa... how was it?

buttttttt he made my kain sooooooooo tight till i cant even zipped it up! OMG! yup, i know i got big buttt but plizzzz... jgn la perli pulak... :p

Mr Danny said he will send back the altered dress early in the morning tomorrow before we off to Jakarta...

yes! he sooooo on time! i get my proper dress at 8am in the morning and im sooo hepi coz i dont have to think about my egagement dress anymore! mission accomplised!

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