Monday, August 15, 2011

Best part : Wedding dress... :)

oh... i had really reallllllllllly a hard time to think about who gonna be my designer for my wedding dress... pergghhh... sound like an artist! mcm bagus jer...

me myself actually not really good, i mean not tooooo up-to-date about fashion... m such an ordinary girl, i wear anything i feel comfortable... thats the reason why i still keep my blouses that i bought about 10 years past... OMG!(mean that i still can fix in that 'S' size).... :p

ok...ok... back to the topic... almost forgot! as usual...SURVEY!!! bridezilla, of coz la survey artist kan.... :p

Elyana's nikah dress

Ayu (wife tomok)'s nikah dress

Ayu's reception dress

Shera Ayob's engagement dress

Siti Sarah's nikah dress

im soooooooooo love the details! hahha... realise it or not? all the dresses above are from Hatta Dolmat Couture's Blog... yes! i fall in love with his design compare to other 5 stars designer...

Hatta use to be my x-primary school mate + my aunty's neighbour... but yaa.. its a long time ago n i dont think he still can recognise me + im not that close to him last time! coz he sooooo comot n notti at school. i cant believe he'd grown up become a fashion designer! All the best to u...

ooooppsss... m i too obsses? no lah... actually i did survey other designer but... im not really into their design...

ok, to make it short... actually i and Hadry had meet Hatta last 2 months kot... can't remember la... Its hard to get the time together to meet Hatta coz Hadry staying in Kuantan. Thank god, finally we did. We drive to Shah Alam Seksyen 7, where Hatta's boutique is located (behind Jackel's 4 storey building).

Dont forget to make an appoinment kay... call his PA (Amy's) number at HDC's blog... hey, luckily... Hatta did recognise me! huhu... sooo happy... hopefully, i can get best price from him...

During and after discussion...

no need for negotiation coz the price is already reasonable... Thanx Hatta!

what Hatta had said :

This very friendly guy will design my baju nikah with veil and shoes + reception dress with veil and shoes + reception dress for Hadry's side also with veil and shoes... means i have : 3 dresses with veil and 3 shoes + 3 sets of baju for Hadry are only for RM12,000!!! that price, i consider as cheap ok! i thot 1 dress already cost us RM5k... huhu... but actually they are much2 more cheaper!

Without thinking more furthur, we juz agree on the price offer and we will come again for detail design after Hari Raya... since Hadry also want to take his leisure time to slim down a bit... ye la tuh!!! :p

oh, i juz cant wait to be a super star!!!

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