Sunday, August 21, 2011

Do some study is a must!

owh... i had a bad day since last saturday! flu! flu! very bad flu! today still not 100% recover but i have to go working since last friday dah EL... argghhh... flu make me feel very2 uncomfortable to do anything so actually, im suppose to take my MC today! un-productive day today...

nevermind... coz im feel quite hepi to update my blog today... huhu...

ok, lets do some checking here...

decoration/wedding planner : Done!

caterer : Done!

Reception Hall : Done!

Dress : Done!

thats all 4 main things should be comform by now... there are about only 4 months left! its time to look for detailssssssssss.........

before be too excited, lets share some ideas about Malay wedding, i mean... our basic traditions process. For me, our wedding conveniently may be divided into three groups representing three stages.

First group activities: all of which precede the actual wedding ceremony, consist of the investigation (merisik), the engagement (bertunang)and the hantaran or wang belanja.

Second group : solemnisation day (akad nikah); the day we formally become husband and wife ... and the night time, some people, having their 'malam berinai' + simple makan-makan session for guest (the husband's close family).

Third group : activities consist of arriving in procession that call berarak by the married couple to the decorated dias (bersanding). in overall, it is call 'reception'. am i right?

Sometimes those activites are different in other parts of the country but still got their similarities.

so now... me and Hadry have to start with the merisik activity which involve our family. Seriously, its time for Hadry to talk to his parents about our wedding planning. Whatever they will say, he has to face it. No more time to be delay. he had promise me on Mac n now its already June!

Go Hadry! Go Hadry! u can do it!

Hadry promise not to call or text me untill he had told about this wedding to his parents... ok, im waiting like dying! hahha....

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