Monday, August 8, 2011

Wedding Exhibition...

Ok... for bride to be, like me... yg xde knowledge langsung ni... kena la rajin buat homework kan... so i start with :

* Bought wedding magazine (or any that related to it) as many as i can to look at the latest trend of wedding in term of their colors, theme, deco, dress etc... teruja habis! jadi bridezila la i...

Yes! bridezila in the house... @@

Dah puas menatap all the magazines, i have to look for the real thing kan? so, i googled latest events/ promotions / exhibitions related to wedding that i can attend w or w/o Hadry... thats ok pun if Hadry xde... coz too early to decide thing togather. i booked thingy that i have to decide on my own. So, my family la kena teman...

here, my first wedding exhibition i went to...

Date : 1-3 April 2011

Time : 10.00 pagi - 9.00 malam

Venue : Legar Putra PWTC, KL

Me & my sister at the main entrance of the exhibition

Fyi, each Pameran Pengantin actually they have their own concept/theme and this time... the theme is Mystique Purple (Black + purple). Which booth really into this concept, they will be awarded as 'The Best Booth... One of the booth that i went to is the winner...

Nice haa?

Arrgghh.. there are so many things to look at...such as invitation cards, dias, make up, photographer, wedding dress, goodies, antique cars, performances etc. oh, i cant decide straight away...


Wedding Planner - all in

We did our survey first by walking from one booth to another until im satisfied... then, i can make a decision...

Finally... i chosed Pelamin Hati...

All in excluded photographer = RM78++.00... ok kot..

+ they only asked RM50 for booking...

Actually, my brother is a photographer(can be consider as professional) so, hopefully, he can get me the best (lowest) price for this coz i dont want to spend so much on it eventhough i demand too much coz i wanna have my pre wedding vid, save the date vid, pre wedding photo shoot etc... ahha... sorry zayd! i wanna them all! once in a life time!!!

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