Monday, November 7, 2011

Engagement Ring...

Selamat HAri Raya Aidiladha everyone!!! alhamdulilah... rain doesn't fall during the korban time... everything goes smoothly...

Orite... today my office seem very quiet maybe they still in a mood of raya... esp people from Pantai Timur. they celebrating Raya Korban with more ecitement compare to Raya Puasa... so, i think today im in a mood to share about my Engagement Ring!

yup! now, my engagement ring that me and Hadry bought together at Habib Jewels KLCC become the ring for merisik... let me introduce you the engagement ring which cost..... oopsss... i also dunno the exact price... its from Hadry's side. Its a kinda surprise!!!!!!!!!

owh... an ugly fingers of me...

I never had as beauty as this ring ever in my life... made by the K.M.Oli Mohamed...cant believe now i owning one of his jewelleries... what an achivement... oppss eventho i got it as a present... :p


K. M. Oli Mohamed Sdn Bhd
Ground Floor, Menara Kemayan
160 Jalan Ampang
50450 W.P Kuala Lumpur.

Tel. : +603-2712 0170
Fax No. : +603-2712 0172
Email :
Website :

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Engagement Day : The Flow...

After done with my make up... whatelse? time for clicks... clicks....

with Detol & Ros...

with my niece, Siti...

After heard the sound of many cars coming toward my house.... dub..dab...dub...dab... Again! i feel sooooooooooo nervous! feel like my stomach full of butterfly... hahha... This is the feelig that cant be explain.. once in a life time... OMG! this is just the beginning, an engagement. not yet the event of the solemnisation... i wish i can run to the toilet now! but not with my beautiful veil... huhu... about 5-6 cars comming... Suddenly my phone rang! Hadry was on the line... inform that he had arrived... huh, i know lah! feel like wanna jump from te corridor and run... hahaha...

We just wait upstairs until the whole family ready to start the event. My Pak Ngah is the representative on behalf of my family to introduce my family and me. He also discuss on hantaran and the ring. After Bacaan Doa by En. Sani (my x-neighbour and also 'org kuat masjid'), pak Lang ask my dayang2 to bring all the 7 hantaran down stairs.

and now................. its my turn to go downstairs to meet all the family members. Omg! there are so many people! all eyes are focus on me. sooooo many camera flashes~ feel like a super star! ahakkksss.... i just stay on the dias... control ayu!

The climax part is wearing the ring by my mother in law 'to be'... hahha....

I saw the ring that i bought together with Hadry like in my previous post! buttttttttttttttttt......

suddenly, his mother ask me for another hand... what a surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got 2 rings in 1 event? the ring that we bought together become the ring for Merisik and the other ring is mostly like a present from his parents to me for the ring of Meminang.... wow! sooo... blink2! i like!

Thank you Hadry and family!

Monday, October 31, 2011

My Engagement Day : Make-up!

17 . 7. 11 : The day has come! wake up early in the morning and take a look at my face... orite, everything gonna be fine! dont be nervous.... be cool Linda! i juz cant discribe my feeling because this is the first time for Hadry's family to meet me officially... what happen if they cant accept me? would it be? not impossible right? arrggghhhh.... think positive! u think now is zaman 'anak ku Sazali'? hahaha....

About 8.30am : Everyone has arrived. My cousins, Izma ordered that 'pulut kuning' while Iza help her sister, Izlin prepaired the Rendang in their house in Seremban. so, the rendang is all the way from Seremban. Must be special and delicious! of coz... They pack te pulut and rendang in the small plastic tupperware and put them together with the mineral water in the grey-ish goodie bags (shown in photo above).

This is the view in front of my house showing the tent that ayah rent from his friend, Uncle Ajak who runing this business so, ayah can get special price from him. Hopefully... i never discuss with ayah on the tent part. Suddenly, they done installing the tent and i realise the color is turquois. The nearest color to tiffany! hahah... not bad ayah! u done a good job! i love the color....

We also rent 8sets of round tables with chairs + tables for buffet line + 2 sets of long table for the ladies. Thank god my neighbour still not moving in so, we use their porch area to shade the eating area since the khemah is quite small. Also thank god for the nice weather that day (not raining)....

I love this make up part! yes... make up session has to start 2 hours before the event...

Guess what im doing? huhu... this is some kind of 'petua' k... since my pores a bit large... i have to roll the ice cube all over my face so my skin will be cold and automatically will shrink n reduce the size of the pores. When the pores getting smaller in size, the make up will look more balance, settle and my skin will look smoother. Shud try this everytime u wanna apply heavy make up especially...

The row of make up brushes...

Start with the eyes first... owh, i look sooo pale! nevermind, its not done yet!

Done with the eyes part... now, its time to change the outfit then continue with the make up... if not, it will stain on my dress... owh, where is my beatiful dresss :p

taadaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! what do u think?

Last but not least, the tudung part... i wish i can just wear the veil without the tudung like Elyana but.... if only i wanna hear my mom bebel-ing.... hahhaha.... thank god i find the correct color for the scarf and the tudung... (takes a few weeks to look for it k)...

At first, i just wanna make it simple by only wearing tudung but when i ask an opinion from others and search in the internet... mostly people wear a veil... owh... where to find a beatiful veil in a few days?

When talking bout tiffany, i remember Hatta Dolmat... his the one who start to use this color for wedding dress. When we talk about tiffany, i would remember Elyana. She's the one who wore the tiffany dress on her nikah day. After discuss with Hadry, we both agree to rent a tiffany veil from Hatta (the one that Elyana wore). He charge me RM400 at the first place and after a negotiation, he agreed to charge me RM300. Last minute decision sometimes lead us to higher expenditure....

But after look at the result, i forgot about the price coz im sooooooooo happy with it... the dress look more beauty because of the additional of the veil. it helps a lot!

here, i introduce you my make-up artist, Baizura (017-6900852). Call to make a booking. She doing this make up as her freelance job. She is actually my mom assistant in her office at UPM. i think she can consider as a professional make up artist. She also do touch up make up for a man. oh, dont be shy... she so friendly with a indonesian blood in her... (ada kena mengena ke?)huhu...

Lets make it done!

yes! sometimes we feel that we want to do everything by our own right? but actually, we still need some help, ideas from others who has an experience on this kind of event... like uncles and aunties. and also frens coz they attended many wedding events. From there, i have to develope!

the nite before :

make the curtain look more neat... yes! thats my sliding door curtain... save budget! ahahha....

Play around with the lighting to get the best effect...

owh... im so in love with the blink2 chain... but finally im soo blank where to put them!


preparing the invitation card :

not really an invitation card coz we suppose to pass it before the day right? but we pass them on that day only to uncles and aunties who involve in the so call discussion... hhuhu...

Follow the theme of tiffany! i like! i made it myself... i did the printing job at my office... ooppss! sorry boss!

Touch up work on going for the 'hantaran' :

............. esp the Sirih Junjung! the hardest part okey!

its almost 12am... and i think everything are ready for tomorrow... lets go to sleep! tomorrow i have to look fresh and gorgeous! of coz! hahaha.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

engagement preparation : platform!

What a tiring vacation! mission accomplised! now, there is 1 week left before the Dub.. dab... dub... dab... day! ahaha...

yup! as a virgorian... im a perfectionist! buttttttt........ money change that fact... haha... but i dont care, i still wanna have some kind of simple dias or just a platform for the engagement. thinking of Hadry's family who came from Kelantan, Kuantan where its quite far from Bangi, of coz... they will expecting something WOW! Bangi-ian are superb! last minute but still can handle this kind of beautiful event... konon! :p

Nevermind... lets stop thinking what people think as long as im happy... huhu...

time for berangan of how the dias will look a like....

for last minute preparation, i cant afford to do this level of loveliness of dias... :p

Umi Aida

Zahiril & Syeira Ayob

by Ariwedding Couture

wow! thats superb! buttt.... ok, stop dreaming! my sis told me that she has a friend that can help us.."Wedding Galore". We rent their stuff but we decorate by ourselves... i said ok... sould be no problem! i love to do this job... btw, this is my first experience i guess... chayo' chayo'

I just wanna have as simple as this dias... the concept... simple and nice...

Start thinking of the backdrop - maybe i can use the sliding door curtain... so thingy that i need to rent are : the platform, fluffy white carpet, the round flat pillow where i will sit on it, 2 big bouquet of flowers on top of the box and another 2 small bouquet on the floor. no chandlier... so sad! but maybe we can use 2 small spotlight from the floor and shoot upward.

i also love to have sooo many many pillows like Elyana's nikah dias... since i gonna wear tiffany color dress, i would use to have a light, dark color of green pillow cover and some grey color effects. actually, i wanted to have turquous color of pillow cover but i cant find them! so sad!


NO 191A, Jalan 8/1 Seksyen 8, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor

(Landmark: Berhadapan Kompleks PKNS Bandar Baru Bangi Bangi)

Monday: Closed Tuesday - Friday : 11 am to 8pm

Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday: 11am to 5 pm

Selain waktu di atas,

sila call 0136155751/53 atau 0193986439 for appointment

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

engagement dress...

a very last minute preparation...

sometime in Bandung...

actually we bought the tickets to Bandung last year during air asia offer... very cheap so we, the whole family decided to go there for holiday... but when the time come (this year)... its very near to my engagement day... so, the mission change from relaxing vacation to the very important mission! hahha...

2nd day in Bandung, we shopped at Pasar Baru , where all wedding stuffs are selling here... it is 8 storeys building which selling so many goodies and we are focusing at level 2 where they are a lot of shops selling 'kain ela' and also LACE (soooo famous in bandung)..

here in bandung, u will be treat like a VIP all the time coz after u bought the 'kain', u can send to the owner of the shop for fitting/ tailored... the specialty of tailoring here is u can get ur beautiful dress and wear it straight away the next day after u sent it to the tailor! soooo fast n furious! hahah...

The tailor himself will come to ur hotel for fitting and send it to ur hotel when he done with ur dress... oh, feel sooooooo VIP! why malaysia cant do such a service? coz people dont mind to pay more for that... after i convert the price of the tailoring, its actually almost RM300 so its a boutique price here in malaysia. i dont mind to pay more in Bandung coz the price of the kain/lace is very cheap!

here i introduce u, Mr Danny... the tailor...

see, how details he needs to measure my body so he wont get it wrong coz he knows that he dont have much time to alter the dress if he did a mistake coz we are going to Jakarta the next 2 days.All the best!

Taaa daaaaaaaa... how was it?

buttttttt he made my kain sooooooooo tight till i cant even zipped it up! OMG! yup, i know i got big buttt but plizzzz... jgn la perli pulak... :p

Mr Danny said he will send back the altered dress early in the morning tomorrow before we off to Jakarta...

yes! he sooooo on time! i get my proper dress at 8am in the morning and im sooo hepi coz i dont have to think about my egagement dress anymore! mission accomplised!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

'get to know' session... :p

a weekend before we fly to Bandung...

Hadry gave me a call n told me that his family will be in KL that weekend... so, on Sunday before they went back to Kuantan, his mother wanna meet us up somewhere in KL before the merisik day. my mother never met his mother before n juz kowing each other by what we had story-mory to them... huhu...

The day had come and we met at Delicious @ Dua Residence, KL...

Angah and zayd followed us while Dada n Hadry followed their mother... takut mak dia kena kidnapp kot! hahha...

That 'get to know' session was awesome... everybody had fun coz we were chit chatting about our own family... his mom non stop telling us about her family members, her husband (Hadry's father la)...

surprisingly, his mother, aunty Nik Habnah told us that all the relatives are sooo excited to come to the merisik day. Family from Kelantan already booked their flight tickets to KL... all together are about 30+ persons will come! OMG!!! this is no more merisik! hahhaha... so, his mother decided to combine the merisik and the engagement together on the same day...

oh no! its going to be a big day! i cannot juz wearing a simple baju kurung! n i cant let all the guest to sit on the bare floor... no! no! no! the food! we need to book for caterer...coz we cant cook for that number of guest n theres only 2 weeks left. 1 week we will be in, theres only 1 week to work it out!

by hook or by crook, i have to find my engagement dress and hantaran staf in Bandung... if not, we will be in trouble. Tent and caterer must booked before the vacation.... Kerja Gila! hahha... but its fun thou...

Anyway, here some photos of the 'get to know' session...

owh... forgot to mention, we are going to have the event at my NEW HOUSE which now still under renovation at the kitchen area... this is another factor that make me going crazy! fuhhh...

Wet kitchen area

Dry kitchen area

...and also the plaster ceiling works

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Diamonds.... :(

Finally! Finally! Finally!

I dunno what to say when Hadry told me that his parents agreed on what we had planned! Eventho his father quite disppointed coz hadry told him bout this good news too late/ too near to the date we proposed. But everybody ask to proceed with what we had planned. Thank God!

Now, i let Hadry and his family to decide for the merisik date....

June : its near to Ramadhan so, they only have this few weekends to decide and finally, they decide to come for merisik on 17.7.11... its about 3 weeks from now!

preparation has to begin...

Things need to grab :
1. Merisik Ring

most of the things are come from hadry's side coz their representative (sometimes include parents) will come to my house for the investigation. so, i just need to be in proper dress or maybe just baju kurung on that day.

A week after, Hadry ask me out to look for the ring!!!!!! wow, its my first time survey for my own ring... > we were heading to KLCC.

on that day...

Tomei open their promotion booth and theres a ring that we love and there is 1 left with my size... feel like its belong to me ha? nevermind... we ask the salesgirl to put aside n we will come back later after lunch but actually, we continue our survey to other shop... Habib Jewels...which also having promotion almost half price...

Normally people bought 'gelang rotan' kind of ring for merisik ring... simple and no diamonds of coz but Hadry was super excited to bought me something with diamonds.

Gelang Rotan Rings

After about an hour try and try almost all the merisik ring in the shop, we finally decide this one simple silver ring with 6 diamonds burried on top of it. Nice, i love it! n i think the price also reasonable + it got discount that day...

My hepi face with my first diamonds ring... :p

There u go!

Thanx Hadry! xoxo...

Do some study is a must!

owh... i had a bad day since last saturday! flu! flu! very bad flu! today still not 100% recover but i have to go working since last friday dah EL... argghhh... flu make me feel very2 uncomfortable to do anything so actually, im suppose to take my MC today! un-productive day today...

nevermind... coz im feel quite hepi to update my blog today... huhu...

ok, lets do some checking here...

decoration/wedding planner : Done!

caterer : Done!

Reception Hall : Done!

Dress : Done!

thats all 4 main things should be comform by now... there are about only 4 months left! its time to look for detailssssssssss.........

before be too excited, lets share some ideas about Malay wedding, i mean... our basic traditions process. For me, our wedding conveniently may be divided into three groups representing three stages.

First group activities: all of which precede the actual wedding ceremony, consist of the investigation (merisik), the engagement (bertunang)and the hantaran or wang belanja.

Second group : solemnisation day (akad nikah); the day we formally become husband and wife ... and the night time, some people, having their 'malam berinai' + simple makan-makan session for guest (the husband's close family).

Third group : activities consist of arriving in procession that call berarak by the married couple to the decorated dias (bersanding). in overall, it is call 'reception'. am i right?

Sometimes those activites are different in other parts of the country but still got their similarities.

so now... me and Hadry have to start with the merisik activity which involve our family. Seriously, its time for Hadry to talk to his parents about our wedding planning. Whatever they will say, he has to face it. No more time to be delay. he had promise me on Mac n now its already June!

Go Hadry! Go Hadry! u can do it!

Hadry promise not to call or text me untill he had told about this wedding to his parents... ok, im waiting like dying! hahha....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Best part : Wedding dress... :)

oh... i had really reallllllllllly a hard time to think about who gonna be my designer for my wedding dress... pergghhh... sound like an artist! mcm bagus jer...

me myself actually not really good, i mean not tooooo up-to-date about fashion... m such an ordinary girl, i wear anything i feel comfortable... thats the reason why i still keep my blouses that i bought about 10 years past... OMG!(mean that i still can fix in that 'S' size).... :p

ok...ok... back to the topic... almost forgot! as usual...SURVEY!!! bridezilla, of coz la survey artist kan.... :p

Elyana's nikah dress

Ayu (wife tomok)'s nikah dress

Ayu's reception dress

Shera Ayob's engagement dress

Siti Sarah's nikah dress

im soooooooooo love the details! hahha... realise it or not? all the dresses above are from Hatta Dolmat Couture's Blog... yes! i fall in love with his design compare to other 5 stars designer...

Hatta use to be my x-primary school mate + my aunty's neighbour... but yaa.. its a long time ago n i dont think he still can recognise me + im not that close to him last time! coz he sooooo comot n notti at school. i cant believe he'd grown up become a fashion designer! All the best to u...

ooooppsss... m i too obsses? no lah... actually i did survey other designer but... im not really into their design...

ok, to make it short... actually i and Hadry had meet Hatta last 2 months kot... can't remember la... Its hard to get the time together to meet Hatta coz Hadry staying in Kuantan. Thank god, finally we did. We drive to Shah Alam Seksyen 7, where Hatta's boutique is located (behind Jackel's 4 storey building).

Dont forget to make an appoinment kay... call his PA (Amy's) number at HDC's blog... hey, luckily... Hatta did recognise me! huhu... sooo happy... hopefully, i can get best price from him...

During and after discussion...

no need for negotiation coz the price is already reasonable... Thanx Hatta!

what Hatta had said :

This very friendly guy will design my baju nikah with veil and shoes + reception dress with veil and shoes + reception dress for Hadry's side also with veil and shoes... means i have : 3 dresses with veil and 3 shoes + 3 sets of baju for Hadry are only for RM12,000!!! that price, i consider as cheap ok! i thot 1 dress already cost us RM5k... huhu... but actually they are much2 more cheaper!

Without thinking more furthur, we juz agree on the price offer and we will come again for detail design after Hari Raya... since Hadry also want to take his leisure time to slim down a bit... ye la tuh!!! :p

oh, i juz cant wait to be a super star!!!